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[专栏] 【060】[试读]韦氏高阶英汉双解词典[3]

发表于 2017-10-6 23:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》例句一共 130000+ 条,相比之下:
  • 柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典(2011 版) 100000+ 条
  • 朗文当代高级英语辞典(英英·英汉双解)(第 5 版) 90000+ 条
  • 牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第 8 版) 87000+ 条
  • 剑桥高阶英汉双解词典 73000+ 条
  • 柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典(2017 版) 72000+ 条
  • 麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典 68000+ 条
注:是的,2017 版《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》在严格以 [CCALD8] Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 为蓝本后,不进反退,例句少了好几万条。

  • 例证丰富:16 万例句,居同类词典之首
/ˈnoʊʃənl̩/ adj
: existing as an idea rather than as something real 概念的;理论上的;设想的
» The notional earnings of the company were close to the actual ones. 这家公司设想的收入接近其实际收入。
no·tion·al·ly adv
/ɑmˈnıʃənt/ adj
formal : knowing everything : having unlimited understanding or knowledge 无所不知的
» an omniscient deity 无所不知的神
» The novel has an omniscient narrator. [=a narrator who knows what all the characters are doing and thinking] 有位讲述者对这部小说无所不知。
om·ni·science /ɑmˈnıʃəns/ noun [noncount]
» the belief in divine omniscience 上帝全知的信仰
/ˈpiːsəbəl/ adj [more peace·able; most peace·able]
1. : not liking or wanting to fight or argue 平和的;温和的
» They are a peaceable [=peaceful], good-natured people. 他们是一个温和善良的民族。
» He has a peaceable nature. 他性格温和。
2. : not involving violence or fighting 和平的;太平的
» The crowd dispersed in a peaceable manner. 人群平静地散开了
peace·ably /ˈpiːsəbli/ adv
» As neighbors, they had lived peaceably for many years. 作为邻居,多年来他们和睦相处。
/ˈkwiːzi/ adj, quea·si·er, -est [also more quea·sy; most quea·sy]
1. : having a sick feeling in the stomach : suffering from nausea 恶心的;想呕吐的
» The boat ride made me a little queasy. 乘坐这条小船搞得我有点想吐。
» She complained of a queasy stomach. 她抱怨说有点反胃。
» a queasy sensation 呕吐感
2. : having an unpleasantly nervous or doubtful feeling 感到不安的;心神不定的;不自在的
» He feels queasy about taking the test. 他对考试感到紧张不安。
» She had the queasy feeling that she was being watched. 她觉得自己正被监视着,因此有点不自在。
quea·si·ness noun [noncount]
/rıˈfɚbıʃ/ verb, -bish·es, -bished, -bish·ing [+ obj]
: to repair and make improvements to (something, such as a building) 翻修;修理
» They are refurbishing [=renovating] the old house. 他们正在翻修老房子。
» They sell refurbished computers. [=old computers that have been repaired so that they are in good condition] 他们出售翻新电脑。
re·fur·bish·ment /rıˈfɚbıʃmənt/ noun, pl -ments [count, noncount]
» The hotel is closed for refurbishment. [=renovation] 宾馆停业整修。
(also schtick) /ˈʃtık/ noun, pl shticks also schticks [count]
US informal
1. : a usual way of performing, behaving, speaking, etc. (表演、行为或说话等的)常规方式
» That joke is part of his shtick. 那个笑话是他常说的那套。
2. : something that a person likes to do or does well 爱好;特长
» Sports are just not my shtick. 体育恰好不是我的强项。
adv [more thoroughly; most thoroughly]
» You’ve thoroughly [=completely] messed things up. 你们把事情完全搞砸了。
» I thoroughly enjoyed the performance. 我非常欣赏这次演出。
» He studied the proposal very thoroughly. 他非常彻底地研究了这个方案。
» That’s been thoroughly documented / proven. 那已经被充分证明 / 彻底证实了。
/ˌʌndəˈvaıdəd/ adj
1. : complete or total 完整的;全部的
» You have my undivided [=full] attention. 我的全部注意力都在你身上。
2. : not separated into smaller parts 未分开的;未分割的
» an undivided property 未分割的财产
/ˈvʌlgɚ/ adj [more vul·gar; most vul·gar]
1. disapproving : not having or showing good manners, good taste, or politeness 不雅的;庸俗的;粗俗的
» He was a vulgar man. 他是个粗人。
» She had a coarse, vulgar laugh. 她发出了粗野的笑声。
» vulgar table manners 不雅的吃相
» a vulgar [=tasteless] display of wealth 俗不可耐的炫富
» I will not tolerate such vulgar language in my home. 我不能容忍在我家说话如此粗鲁。
» vulgar jokes 低俗的笑话
2. : relating to the common people or the speech of common people 平民的;通俗语言的;普通用语的
» vulgar Latin 通俗拉丁语
vul·gar·ly adv
» vulgarly sexual jokes 低俗的黄色笑话
/ˈwækoʊ/ noun, pl wack·os [count]
US informal : a person who is crazy or very strange and unusual 疯子;怪人
» She’s nice but her sister’s a real wacko. 她人很好,可她姐姐却是个疯子。
wacko adj [more wacko; most wacko]
» They have some wacko ideas. 他们有一些疯狂的想法。
» His father’s wacko. [=wacky] 他父亲很古怪。
/ˈziɚˌɑːks/ verb, -rox·es, -roxed, -rox·ing
: to copy (something, such as a document) by using a special machine (called a copier) 复印
» [+ obj] I’ll xerox these forms for you. 我来给你复印这些表格。
» [no obj] I’ll be xeroxing in the library. 我要去图书馆复印文件。
/ˈjɑːnıŋ/ adj
: very large or wide open 豁开的;裂开的
» There was a yawning [=gaping] hole in the wall. 墙上有一个大窟窿
» There is a yawning gap between rich and poor. [=the difference between how much money rich people have and poor people have is very great] 穷人和富人之间的贫富差距巨大。
/ˈzɑːmbi/ noun, pl -bies [count]
1. informal : a person who moves very slowly and is not aware of what is happening especially because of being very tired (由于疲惫)麻木迟钝的人,呆板的人,无精打采的人
» If I don’t go to bed early I’ll be a zombie tomorrow. 我若不早点睡觉,明天就变成呆子了。
» His students usually sat there in the classroom like zombies. 他的学生经常呆若木鸡地坐在教室里。
2. : a dead person who is able to move because of magic according to some religions and in stories, movies, etc.(一些宗教中或故事、电影中的)僵尸,行尸
» a scary film about zombies = a scary zombie film 关于僵尸的恐怖片

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