omfg = o my F god
omg = o my god
fu = F you
ATM = all the time/at the moment
lol= laughing out loud
rolf = rolling on floor laughing.
L2P = Learn to play
QQ = you should quit the game
kkkk = hahahaha
FFS = For f sake
L2S - Learn 2 Spell
FYI - For Your Information.
IMO - In My Opinion.
IRL - In Real Life.
IDD - Indeed
STFU - Shut the F up
PWN - Obvious
Gratz - Congratulations
WTF - What the F
IAMF - It's all my fault
BTW - By the way
TY - Thank you
TYVM - Thank you very much
NVM - Never mind
DM - Don't/Doesn't matter
FWIW - For what it's worth
AOE - Area of effect
AFAIK: As far as I know
AFK: Away from keyboard
BRT: Be right there
DIAF: Die in a fire
FFS: For f sake
FTL: For the loss (means "is bad")
FTW: For the win (means "is good")
GTFO: Get the f out
IDC: I don't care
IDK: I don't know
wug - wat u got
soft - ur weak/girl/
F@g = Film Actors Guild
NS - Nice Shot
nn - Nice 'nade
bg - Bad game
nt - Nice try
n1 = nice one
imba = imbalanced
OOM = Out of Mana.
MIA = Missing in action.
Inc: Incoming
Ofc: Of course
OMW: On my way
TBH: To be honest
WTH: What the hell
GG: Good game
GJ: Good job
104 - roger that
omfg = o my F god
omg = o my god
fu = F you
ATM = all the time/at the moment
lol= laughing out loud
rolf = rolling on floor laughing.
L2P = Learn to play
QQ = you should quit the game
kkkk = ...
Schelfaniel 发表于 2011-5-13 08:55